New Board of Directors
November 5, 2024
The Yukon Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the appointment of its new Board of Directors, following the election held during the Annual General Meeting in October. On November 7, 2024, the Mayor of the City of Whitehorse, Kirk Cameron, will officiate the swearing-in ceremony for the board members.
The Executive members are as follows:
John Campbell - Chair
Amos Westropp - 1st Vice-Chair
Naincy Saini - 2nd Vice-Chair
Collin Young - Treasurer
Patti Balsillie - Secretary
Mark Mather - Past Chair
The Business and Industry Directors include:
Mladenka Dokic
Phil Willoughby
Juliette Greetham
Representing the Community Chambers are:
Marcos Castillo from Whitehorse
Michael Pealow from St. Elias
Justine Hobbs from Dawson City
The Ex-Officio Members, who serve as non-voting Directors, are:
Hannah McDougall from the Klondike Placer Miners Association
Dylan Soo from the Tourism Industry Association of Yukon
Hanna Fish from the Yukon Agriculture Association
Jonas Smith from the Yukon Chamber of Mines.
Media Contact:
Luke Pantin
Executive Director
Yukon Chamber of Commerce
(867) 667-2000