The Proud Voice of Yukon's Business Community Since 1985
Incorporated in 1985, the Yukon Chamber of Commerce continues its advocacy work in partnership with Community Chambers and Yukon businesses of all sizes. As a collective voice of the business community, the Yukon Chamber of Commerce works to create a climate conducive to a strong private sector economy.
To learn more about the Chamber and/or to meet our team, visit our office on the second floor of the TC Richards Building, located at 302 Steele Street in Whitehorse. Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

We are the leading voice of Yukon's business community, providing advocacy and representation on issues affecting businesses across the Yukon Territory.
Community Driven - We work with, and on behalf of, the Community Chambers of Commerce and the Yukon business community. Our perspective is both urban and rural.
Making a Difference - We are focused on territory-wide issues of critical importance to our members and contributory to the success of Yukon businesses.
Connected - We leverage a valuable network of relationships with individuals, groups and organizations to share information and work together.
Autonomous - We are non-partisan, multi-sectoral and maintain the autonomy of our perspective

Becoming a Member of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce is Good for Business! Join Today!
Join Today! Fill Out A Membership Application Form, Call (867) 667-2000 or e-mail us at!
YCC Staff

John Campbell

Mark Mather
Past Chair

1st Vice-Chair

2nd Vice-Chair

Collin Young

Patti Balsillie
Business & Industry Directors

Mladenka Dokic

Phil Willoughby

Juliette Greetham
Community Chamber Directors

Marcos Castillo
Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce

Michael Pealow
St. Elias Chamber of Commerce

Justine Hobbs
Dawson City Chamber of Commerce