Join Today! Becoming a Member of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce is Good for Business!

The Yukon Chamber of Commerce contributes to the business community in many different ways. Some of our actions are highly visible, others are behind the scenes. Regardless, the impact is significant!
What We Do:
- Support and work with the five Community Chambers: Dawson City, St. Elias, Silver Trail, Watson Lake, and Whitehorse.
- Deliver data and analysis on topics critical to the business community.
- Develop policies that guide decisions and actions to strengthen the business climate.
- Promote economic growth through specific Committee work in the following areas: Food, Beverage & Cannabis; Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy; Procurement; Buy Yukon; Housing; and Tourism.
- Promote the interests of Yukon businesses and express their concerns across multiple industry sectors.
- Facilitate two-way communication flow among all stakeholders on business-related issues.
- Provide members of the business community the opportunity to express their views on important topics through surveys, roundtables, conferences and other events.
- Help businesses find the information they need and assist them to navigate various programs and services.
- Provide education as well as free and confidential assistance to solve problems regarding workers’ compensation and workplace health and safety.
- Enable partnerships and networking through Chamber events and communication vehicles.
Additional direct benefits for YCC Members:
- Member rates for some events and conferences hosted by or in partnership with the Yukon Chamber.
- Benefit plan for small business through the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan delivered in the Yukon by Johnston Group and Yukon Benefits.
- Current information on topics of interest through monthly newsletters and special notices.
- Special package rates on participation in YCC delegations to events and conferences around Canada.
How To Join the Yukon Chamber:
Online Membership Application Form (button below);
Call (867) 667-2000; or
Send an email to office@yukonchamber.com
- Click here to download the Membership Levels & Fees